Though Hair Transplant is a minimally invasive nature of surgery, it often come close to delicate surgery. The compliance to suggested post-operative care promotes faster and good results.
The instructions mentioned below do not require a lot of extra time outside your routine. All you are advised to do is to just be a little more conscious about the fact that you’ve undergone a surgery.
Day 0:
Hair Transplant, a minimally Invasive does not require hospitalization. After completion of hair transplant, you can move to your home/stay and take rest until the next morning. Keep the surgical cap over the head and remove carefully before the bed.
Sleeping Posture
You might be a little tired and a good sleep Is suggested. To avoid swelling over the face, sleep In supine posture slightly elevated for 3-4 nights following surgery. Keep a pillow below (Round towel) under the neck to make sure that the recipient area should not touch anywhere on bed.
Avoid direct touch or friction over the recipient area the scalp area.
Keep the transplanted area moist with saline water, spray saline water after every 2 hours, and continue for 7-10 days
Day 1
You would be feeling much better and comply with the Instruction. Can take a bath but don’t let your head scalp wet. Take care of your scalp during essential activities like using the washroom, sleeping and sitting. Avoid bending your hair down for a longer duration.
Visit the clinic after 48 hours of hair transplant for first dressing.
Continue the medicines prescribed by the doctor.
DO NOT use any aspirin-containing products or drink alcohol for 3-5 days following surgery.
Use sterile gauze with gentle pressure to any areas which may lightly bleed the day of the surgery or in the next few days. If the bleeding is from the donor area, lift the hair before applying pressure to avoid the hair getting matted down.
Day 2:
Visit clinic after 48 hours of hair transplant for the bandage removal and review with the surgical team
After the bandage Removal keep applying the topical antibacterial cream over the donor area , 2 times a day for 5 -7days.
Day 4-10
In case you experience swelling over the face or around the eye , need not to worry. It happens and goes off with gentle palm pressure with downward movement.
You can visit Clinic for a first head wash or take help from our counsellor to perform the head wash at home.
Continue the head wash with mild shampoo every days
You may feel slight numbness over the recipient area , and mild to moderate pain over the donor area. Take help from the painkiller provided In the surgical care kit.
Day 10:
Around this time the healing Is almost over. You can resume all normal activities. The dried blood and dead skin forms a layer of crust , which needs to be gently removed. You can soak the scalp crust with a shampoo and gently remove with fingers moving In circular manner.
In case you find the crust very tough to remove , visit us and take professional head wash at the clinic facility.
Refrain from heavy work or sports for 10-15 days.
Refrain from weight lifting or heavy lifting or swimming in chlorinated water a month.
Some people return to light work the day following surgery, although most people prefer to take at least 2-3 days off. Because of the possibility of swelling and some crusting following surgery, some people prefer to take one week off following surgery. This is especially true after your first procedure when everything is new for you. Crusting will be more visible if you have little hair to begin with.
Beginning on the day after surgery, you may begin to take a bath but you will not pore/ wet the scalp area. First clinging and dressing will be done at clinic.
After 2 days of first dressing, you can wash your head with gentle tap water. Try not to let the water beat directly onto the recipient area where the grafts are for the first 4-5 days after surgery. You may want to have a cup in the shower to help rinse the graft sites. Beginning 2-3 days after surgery you can gently touch the grafts with the fingertips while washing in the shower. Avoid catching the grafts with your fingernails.
Hairspray can be used one week after the transplant but should be washed off daily.
DO NOT comb hair till all the crust fall.
Try to avoid hair dryers for 1-2 weeks, especially the hot ones.
Hair coloring, perming or cutting can be done once all the crusts have fallen off.
Crusts will usually fall off in 2-3 weeks though this can last longer.
Applying ointment (TBact or Fucidine) can be done (though not required) to try and soften the crusts if they are prominent.
Crust can be removed gently after 10 days but with care.
WHAT TO DO ABOUT COMPLICATIONS – The complications are minor, don’t panic. Report +91-9667528860 for any such complications.
Follow these general instructions-
In FUT, bleeding may occur at the site of suture (donor area), the night after surgery or up to a few days after. This almost always stops if you apply firm, steady pressure over the area for 15 minutes. Press firmly but gently so as not to dislodge the surrounding grafts.
If you cannot control the bleeding with rest and pressure, you may call on +91-+91-9667528860 or reach at Dr. Haror’s Wellness.
Many people require medication the first 1st or 2nd nights following surgery. You should not have to bear the pain. The medication can control your discomfort.
You will receive a prescription for pain control. Use these as needed and directed.
Swelling may occur, usually on the forehead and beginning around day 2-4 following surgery. This will not leave any permanent problems. As gravity works, the swelling may descend to the eyelids.
Swelling can be reduced by sleeping with your head elevated at 45 degrees for 1-3 nights following surgery using a recliner or pillows.
Infection is rare. Avoid exposure to dirt in the air at work or at play for 2 weeks following surgery. Do not touch the donor area or the transplanted grafts except with clean hands to reduce the chance of an infection. Report any increasing tenderness or redness and swelling around the surgical site.
At Dr. Haror’s Wellness, we believe that your hair transplant journey is just the beginning of a brighter, more confident future. The post-surgical guidelines we’ve outlined are designed to make your recovery as straightforward as possible, so you can focus on your transformation. If you have any questions or concerns during your recovery, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Our team is dedicated to ensuring your well-being and satisfaction every step of the way. As you follow these guidelines and witness the gradual return of your lustrous locks, know that you’re on the path to a more confident and radiant you. Your journey towards a new you starts here.