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      What is Psoriasis?

      Psoriasis is a chronic, non-contagious skin condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It’s characterised by formation of thick, red, raised and scaly patches on the skin’s surface which can be itchy as well. These patches, often referred to as plaques, can appear anywhere on the body but are commonly found on the elbows, knees, scalp, trunk, face, palm and soles of feet.

      Psoriasis is not just a skin disorder; it’s an autoimmune disease, which means it involves the body’s immune system mistakenly attacking the healthy skin cells. The condition can vary in severity, with some individuals experiencing mild, occasional flare-ups, while others may have more persistent and severe symptoms.

      Types of Psoriasis

      1. Guttate Psoriasis: teardrop shaped spots that appear red or bright pink color majorly on torso, limbs and back.
      2. Pustular Psoriasis: This can affect whole body and are characterized by small blisters which are filled with yellow or white fluids.
      3. Nail Psoriasis: It is extremely painful and affects toenails and nails.
      4. Scalp Psoriasis: It appears as dandruff like flakes on scalp can result in hair thinning also.
      5. Plaque Psoriasis: this happens as buildup of skin cells on any body area i.e; formation of plaques
      6. Inverse or Flexural Psoriasis: It happens majorly in skin folds, armpits, face or genitals.

      Signs of Psoriasis

      • Soreness on the skin leading to burning sensations.
      • Scaly patches and flare-ups can happen in children.
      • Extremely dry skin with cracks and itching or bleeding.
      • There may be red skin lesions that become covered with silvery thick scales.
      • Nails can become thick, pitted, or ridged.
      • Rarely few patients can develop inflexible swollen joints.

      Causes of Psoriasis

      ● Genetic predisposition: One of the most significant risk factors for psoriasis is having a family history of the condition. Certain genes have been identified that increase the likelihood of developing psoriasis.
      Immune system dysfunction: Psoriasis is fundamentally an immune system disorder. In individuals with psoriasis, the immune system becomes overactive, causing an inflammatory response in the skin, which leads to the accelerated growth of skin cells.
      ● It may be associated with a metabolic syndrome that can increase risk of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, heart stroke, type 2 diabetes or intolerance towards glucose.
      ● Genetic or environmental factors that causes malfunctioned immune system and hence results in psoriasis includes Dry/Cold Weather, Heavy alcohol consumption, Emotional stress, some medications like anti-malarial drug/ High BP medicines, Obesity, Cutaneous trauma, Smoking, Skin infections etc.

      Treatments for Psoriasis at Dr. Haror's Wellness

      Dr. Haror’s Wellness is dedicated to providing comprehensive and personalized treatments for psoriasis, aiming to improve the quality of life for those affected. Our treatment options may include:

      Topical creams and ointments: These are applied directly to affected areas and can help reduce inflammation and scaling. These can be used in the form of ointments, gels, lotions, or creams. This can be Vitamin D analogs to reduce skin regeneration and anti-inflammatory products like coal tar in oils, shampoos, or creams (this helps reduce itching also). Calcineurin inhibitors help reduce plaques. Topical Retinoids can also be applied. We recommend using these medications under the supervision of a dermatologist.
      Phototherapy (light therapy): Controlled exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light, under medical supervision, can slow the growth of skin cells and reduce inflammation.
      Systemic medications: For moderate to severe cases, injectable steroids that affect the immune system may be prescribed to manage psoriasis.
      Lifestyle modifications and stress management: Our approach goes beyond traditional medical treatments and includes guidance on stress reduction and lifestyle changes to help minimize psoriasis symptoms. Avoid triggers like alcohol, smoking, and sun exposure. Have a balanced diet including pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, leafy vegetables, iron, selenium, omega 3 fatty acids, etc. Avoid red meat, refined sugars, and junk foods. Avoid gluten as it can increase inflammation.
      Biologic therapies for severe cases: Biologics are targeted therapies that are either injected or IV-infused. The most commonly used one is secukinumab.

      It is always advisable to consult your dermatologist for the right diagnosis and best treatment plan to manage such skin conditions. We at Dr. Haror’s Wellness specialize in providing optimum care and result-oriented treatments.

      Other Services Offered

      Explore the diverse spectrum of services at Dr. Haror’s Wellness, where we specialize in crafting personalized experiences to cater to your individual requirements. Your transformative journey towards a ‘new you’ starts here!


      A procedure that involves the use of a device equipped with sterile needles to create controlled micro-injuries in the skin's surface.

      Fractional Laser

      A cosmetic procedure that uses a laser to target and treat specific areas of the skin, leaving surrounding tissues unaffected.

      Carbon Peel

      A procedure that involves the application of a layer of medical-grade carbon solution onto the skin's surface.

      Expertise personified:
      Meet the Guru

      Founded and led by Dr. Navnit Haror, a pioneer in aesthetic medicine. He is a dermatologist and a true expert in the art of skincare, widely recognized as a practitioner and expert in Aesthetic Surgery.

      Guided by an unwavering commitment to enhancing skin vitality, Dr. Haror's expertise stands out in the innovative realm of Psoriasis Treatment, a method that has gained global acclaim. Employing cutting-edge techniques and top-quality resources, he delivers a transformative journey, bestowing individuals with rejuvenated confidence. Backed by meticulous accuracy and a profound understanding of skin physiology, Dr. Haror customises each Psoriasis Treatment to specific requirements, establishing a fresh benchmark for remarkable outcomes.

      Dr. Navnit Haror

      Gold Medalist | Dermatologist| Hair Transplant Surgeon

      Our Doctors

      We are founded, managed, and led by one of the world’s finest Aesthetic Surgeons, Dr. Navnit Haror and Dr. Vineeta Pathak.

      Dr. Navnit Haror

      Gold Medalist | Dermatologist| Hair Transplant Surgeon

      Internationally acknowledged as a domain expert and practitioner of Aesthetic Surgery, Dr. Navnit Haror is a Dermatologist and Hair Transplant surgeon in practice since 2012 and is the Founder-Director of Dr. Haror’s Wellness. He has trained over 12,000 clinicians and doctors in hair transplantation techniques across 17 countries.

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      Dr. Vineeta Pathak

      Consultant Cosmetologist | Hair Transplant & Aesthetic Surgeon

      An award-winning dermatologist, Dr. Vineeta Pathak specializes in cosmetic dermatology and all aesthetic procedures. Her expertise includes vitiligo surgeries and ear lobe reconstruction, permanent hair reduction, hair transplants, lasers, and all aesthetic procedures among others.

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      Empower yourself with knowledge and make informed decisions as you find answers to commonly asked questions about our services

      How does psoriasis treatment work?

      It involves various methods that work to exfoliate the skin, stimulate collagen production, and promote overall skin renewal.


      How many sessions are usually needed?

      The number of sessions required for noticeable results can vary depending on individual skin conditions and the specific treatment method used.

      Is there any downtime associated with this treatment?

      The downtime can vary depending on the intensity of the treatment. Some methods might cause minimal redness or peeling, which usually subsides within a few days.

      Are the results permanent?

      While it can provide long-lasting improvements, the results are not always permanent.

      Is psoriasis Treatment painful?

      Most Psoriasis Treatment methods are minimally uncomfortable and well-tolerated.

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