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Hair Transplant

5 Common Occurrences Post Hair Transplant

By December 14, 2023December 26th, 2023No Comments
post hair transplant

After your hair transplant, especially if it’s your first experience, you may encounter a few occurrences that are entirely normal. In today’s article, we’ll discuss five things post-hair transplant that you don’t need to worry about, as they are completely typical.

  1. Hair Shedding:

One common concern is the shedding of hair grafts, often leading to stressed calls and messages. There’s no need to panic; it’s quite usual for approximately 30-70% of hair to shed sequentially. These fallen hairs are dead skin and hair shafts, not the planted grafts. This shedding typically occurs 2-3 weeks post-hair transplant and can continue until 8-12 weeks.

  1. Cracked Lines:

Around a week after the surgery, as scabs begin to crust out, cracked lines may appear. This is almost comparable to the cracks in the desert. The scalp becomes dry or dehydrated after surgery, leading to cracked lines in the recipient area. To address this, you can use a moisturizing lotion or serum to keep the scalp hydrated.

  1. Pimple Formation:

If you notice a few pimples, don’t worry. This could be folliculitis, occurring in either the recipient or donor area. Mild folliculitis may start 2-3 months postoperatively due to hair growth. Warm compresses for 15 minutes three times daily and a topical antibiotic ointment like mupirocin can be used for initial treatment.

  1. Temporary Numbness:

Almost all patients experience temporary numbness of the scalp, typically resolving within a few weeks. Some may experience it for a longer duration, but there’s no need to be alarmed. Prolonged numbness doesn’t indicate nerve damage.

  1. Itching:

Patients often feel a strong urge to itch or scratch their scalp post-hair transplant. This is a normal response to the healing process as the scalp releases histamines during skin tissue repair. It’s crucial not to scratch the scalp, as it signifies that your scalp is undergoing healing after hair extraction and implantation.

Remember, these occurrences are part of the natural healing process post-hair transplant. Stay patient, and your results will speak for themselves. If you have any concerns, our team at Dr. Haror’s Wellness is here to support you throughout your journey to healthier, fuller hair.

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