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      Party Facials

      Party Facial refers to a specialized skincare treatment designed to enhance the skin’s appearance and radiance, specifically tailored for individuals preparing for social events or gatherings. Unlike regular facials, a Party Facial aims to provide immediate results, giving the skin a refreshed and rejuvenated look just in time for a special occasion. This treatment often incorporates a combination of cleansing, exfoliation, and nourishing masks to address specific concerns and leave the skin looking vibrant and revitalized.

      Understanding Party Facial

      To comprehend the essence of a Party Facial, it’s crucial to recognize its purpose and the techniques involved. This cosmetic procedure is not only about achieving temporary beauty but also focuses on boosting confidence and creating a lasting impression. Party Facials are strategically crafted to provide a quick transformation, targeting aspects like hydration, radiance, and toning. These treatments are usually shorter in duration compared to regular facials, making them an ideal choice for those seeking immediate and visible results before attending social events. It often is customized as per the skin type and skin concern of the patients. It comprises various techniques that help improve the skin tone and texture and imparts glow and shine to the skin.
      Diamond polishing helps in exfoliating dead skin cells followed by hydration therapy that helps make skin soft supple and plump. A customized cocktail of serums and fruit peels works by exfoliating the pigment cells and imparting a glow to the face. Various combinations of LED lights further boost the collagen production and skin cell turnover rate helping make it more firmer with successive sessions. The session can be done at the gap of 2-4 weeks.
      The treatment has no downtime and one can apply makeup after the treatment easily. Strict photoprotection and the right skincare routine help enhance the skin further.

      Benefits of Party Facial

      ● Instant Glow: Experience an immediate boost in skin radiance, leaving you looking vibrant and refreshed.
      Quick Results: Perfect for those with busy schedules, enjoy noticeable improvements in a short amount of time.
      Enhanced Hydration: Combat dryness and achieve supple skin with quick and effective hydration.
      Stress Relief: Indulge in a pampering experience that not only enhances your appearance but also contributes to overall well-being.
      Improved Makeup Application: Create a smooth canvas for flawless makeup application, ensuring you look your best for any special occasion.

      Other Services Offered

      Explore the diverse spectrum of services at Dr. Haror’s Wellness, where we specialize in crafting personalized experiences to cater to your individual requirements. Your transformative journey towards a ‘new you’ starts here!

      Ultra Hydrating Facial

      Common skin condition that affects the hair follicles and oil glands in the skin.

      7D Lifts

      An immune system response to a substance that the body perceives as harmful.


      A common skin condition characterized by inflammation of the skin, presented as red and itchy spots.

      Expertise personified:
      Meet the Guru

      Dr. Navnit Haror, a renowned dermatologist and hair transplant surgeon, is the visionary leader behind our establishment. A trailblazer in aesthetic medicine, he is widely acknowledged for his expertise and contributions to the field of Aesthetic Surgery.

      Our Dermatology floor is thoughtfully designed, boasting five spacious treatment rooms, two minor procedure suites, and an opulent waiting area. Our specialized party facial Treatment procedures are performed in a world-class suite, adhering to global standards, ensuring your utmost comfort throughout the process. On the day of your party facial Treatment, you will experience a personalized touch that allows you to unwind and relax. Our highly-trained and friendly staff, all vaccinated and routinely tested for infections, will be there to support you and your loved ones during your journey to radiant and even-toned skin.

      Dr. Navnit Haror

      Gold Medalist | Dermatologist| Hair Transplant Surgeon

      Our Doctors

      We are founded, managed, and led by one of the world’s finest Aesthetic Surgeons, Dr. Navnit Haror and Dr. Vineeta Pathak.

      Dr. Navnit Haror

      Gold Medalist | Dermatologist| Hair Transplant Surgeon

      Internationally acknowledged as a domain expert and practitioner of Aesthetic Surgery, Dr. Navnit Haror is a Dermatologist and Hair Transplant surgeon in practice since 2012 and is the Founder-Director of Dr. Haror’s Wellness. He has trained over 12,000 clinicians and doctors in hair transplantation techniques across 17 countries.

      Know More

      Dr. Vineeta Pathak

      Consultant Cosmetologist | Hair Transplant & Aesthetic Surgeon

      An award-winning dermatologist, Dr. Vineeta Pathak specializes in cosmetic dermatology and all aesthetic procedures. Her expertise includes vitiligo surgeries and ear lobe reconstruction, permanent hair reduction, hair transplants, lasers, and all aesthetic procedures among others.

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      Success Stories

      Experience the transformative power of our expert team as we utilize cutting-edge techniques to restore your skin’s natural radiance, renewing your confidence from within.


      Empower yourself with knowledge and make informed decisions as you find answers to commonly asked questions about our services

      Is Party Facial treatment permanent?

      The effectiveness of Party Facial Treatment can vary from person to person. While some individuals may achieve long-lasting results, Party Facial can be a recurrent condition for some.

      Are Party Facial treatments safe?

      They are generally safe when performed by qualified dermatologists or healthcare professionals. However, some treatments may carry a risk of side effects.

      How long does it take to see the results?

      Some patients may start to see results within a few weeks, while others may require more time.

      Can Party Facial affect all skin types?

      Yes, Party Facial can affect people of all skin types, but it is more common in individuals with darker skin tones.

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