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      What is Breast Augmentation?

      Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to enhance the size and shape of a woman’s breasts. This transformative procedure involves the use of implants, typically filled with saline or silicone gel, to add volume and achieve the desired breast contour. Breast augmentation is sought by individuals for various reasons, including restoring breast volume lost due to pregnancy or weight loss, achieving better symmetry, or simply enhancing one’s overall body proportions. The process is highly customizable, allowing individuals to choose the implant type, size, and placement based on their unique aesthetic goals.

      Benefits of Breast Augmentation

      The benefits of breast augmentation extend beyond the immediate physical enhancements. For many individuals, this procedure goes hand in hand with a significant boost in self-confidence and body positivity. Achieving the desired breast size and shape can enhance clothing choices and contribute to a more balanced and proportionate silhouette. Moreover, the emotional benefits often translate into improved social and personal interactions, positively impacting various aspects of life.

      Breast augmentation is not just about changing physical appearance; it’s about empowering individuals to feel comfortable and confident in their bodies. The journey towards breast augmentation is a partnership between the individual and their medical team, working together to achieve not only aesthetic goals but also a renewed sense of self.

      What is Breast Augmentation?

      To fully comprehend breast augmentation, it’s essential to grasp both the physical and emotional aspects of the procedure. The journey begins with a thorough consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon. During this consultation, the surgeon evaluates the individual’s anatomy, discusses expectations, and helps choose the most suitable approach for achieving the desired results. The surgery typically involves making incisions, placing the implants, and closing the incisions with meticulous care. Advanced techniques, such as endoscopic augmentation, minimise scarring and accelerate recovery.

      Beyond the physical transformation, breast augmentation can have a profound impact on an individual’s self-esteem and body image. Many individuals report increased confidence and a positive shift in how they perceive themselves. The decision to undergo breast augmentation is a personal one, and the understanding and support of a qualified medical team play a pivotal role in ensuring a positive and empowering experience.

      Other Services Offered

      Explore the diverse spectrum of services at Dr. Haror’s Wellness, where we specialize in crafting personalized experiences to cater to your individual requirements. Your transformative journey towards a ‘new you’ starts here!

      Face Lift

      A procedure designed to rejuvenate the appearance of the face by addressing sagging skin, wrinkles, and signs of aging.

      Dimple Creation

      A cosmetic procedure designed to create dimples on the cheeks or chin.


      A surgical procedure aimed at rejuvenating the appearance of the upper and/or lower eyelids.

      Expertise personified:
      Meet the Guru

      Founded and led by Dr. Navnit Haror, a pioneer in aesthetic medicine. He is a dermatologist and a true expert in the art of skincare, widely recognized as a practitioner and expert in Aesthetic Surgery.

      Fueled by an unwavering dedication to sculpting bodies and enhancing self-confidence, Dr. Haror's mastery shines in the advanced realm of Liposuction, a procedure that has garnered worldwide recognition. Employing state-of-the-art methodologies and premium resources, he embarks on a transformative path, granting individuals renewed assurance in their appearance. With precision and an in-depth grasp of body aesthetics, Dr. Haror tailors each Liposuction procedure to individual goals, setting a new standard for impressive results.

      Dr. Navnit Haror

      Gold Medalist | Dermatologist| Hair Transplant Surgeon

      Our Doctors

      We are founded, managed, and led by one of the world’s finest Aesthetic Surgeons, Dr. Navnit Haror and Dr. Vineeta Pathak.

      Dr. Navnit Haror

      Gold Medalist | Dermatologist| Hair Transplant Surgeon

      Internationally acknowledged as a domain expert and practitioner of Aesthetic Surgery, Dr. Navnit Haror is a Dermatologist and Hair Transplant surgeon in practice since 2012 and is the Founder-Director of Dr. Haror’s Wellness. He has trained over 12,000 clinicians and doctors in hair transplantation techniques across 17 countries.

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      Dr. Vineeta Pathak

      Consultant Cosmetologist | Hair Transplant & Aesthetic Surgeon

      An award-winning dermatologist, Dr. Vineeta Pathak specializes in cosmetic dermatology and all aesthetic procedures. Her expertise includes vitiligo surgeries and ear lobe reconstruction, permanent hair reduction, hair transplants, lasers, and all aesthetic procedures among others.

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      We take pride in transforming lives with our expertise and precision. Join the community of satisfied clients and experience the magic of anti-aging firsthand.


      Empower yourself with knowledge and make informed decisions as you find answers to commonly asked questions about our services

      Who is a good candidate for breast augmentation?

      Ideal candidates for breast augmentation are individuals who are in good overall health, and desire an increase in breast size or improved breast symmetry.



      How is breast augmentation surgery performed?

      It involves making an incision, typically in the crease beneath the breast, and inserting the chosen implant.

      Is breast augmentation safe?

      Breast augmentation is generally considered safe when performed by a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon.

      What is the recovery process like after?

      Most patients can return to light activities within a week and resume regular activities within a few weeks.

      Will breast augmentation leave visible scars?

      Scarring is a natural part of any surgical procedure. The extent of scarring depends on the incision technique used.

      How long do breast implants last?

      Breast implants are not considered lifetime devices, and they may need to be replaced or removed at some point in the future.

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