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Hair Transplant

How Transplanted Hair Grows: A Visually Comprehensive Guide

By November 2, 2023November 15th, 2023No Comments
Hair Regrowth at haror wellness

As established all scalp hair does not all grow at the same time. Hair may be growing, resting, or shedding at any point in time. They cycle on their own schedule. The transplanted hair cycle also follows the same cycle in a random fashion.

Months 1-2>

The steps of harvesting involved in hair transplant -Scoring, extracting, dissecting, and transplanting donor hair induces trauma to the follicles causing them go into the resting phase. For this reason, the majority of patients experience shedding, sequentially around  30-70% of the hairs around 6-8 weeks post-op. It has been observed that in our UR-FUE technique, the shedding phase is minimal.


Post 1 Month

Months 2nd-3rd>

Around this time the transplanted hairs begin to “germinate” below the skin. Initially, they are thin and give a very scanty presence.

On occasions, in-grown hairs may happen as red, raised, pimple-like bumps in the grafted area. One need not worry about it, it resolves on its own with time. Warm compresses can also be applied to the affected area.

 Post 2 months: Grade VI MPB

Months 4th – 6th

Around this time transplanted hairs start to visibly regrow. By the 6th month, the majority of patients may expect to see growth of 50-60% of the transplanted hair. This phase usually boosts confidence on the procedure and transformation is significantly visible. Again, due to the random cycle of hair growth, not all grafts will start growing at the same time. Initially, the hair may be thinner and finer. It will gain length and density as it matures.

Months 4th – 6th

 Month 9th-12th

 We observe almost 90% of regrowth translates in this time. One concludes the outcome of the hair transplant around this time.

In some cases, this can take up to 18 months. This is especially common in female patients. The transplanted hairs will continue to gain length over time.

From individual to individual, Hair regrowth will vary at different paces.  It is also normal for some patients to see what appears to be an imbalance in the areas of regrowth. For example, hair may appear fuller on one side of the head than the other. As regrowth continues, the distribution of the hair will soon appear more even.

Dr Haror’s Wellness has performed thousands of hair transplants with successful outcomes. As part of the standard operating protocol, we schedule post-procedure follow-ups to help each patient manage their personal regrowth expectations. We are confident that with patience, you will be very happy with the transformation, a  fuller head of hair.

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